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Richterin: Mrs. Dr. Margret Buckley / GB



1.Platz 1 Downtown's Nando, VET.VDH/CAC Veteranen Clubsieger


VV3 2 A heart full of soul's Rafael

VV2 3 Nice-Looking Junos classic Edition

VV1 4 Gentle Souls Elijah Early Event / Bestes Baby


VV1 5 Newcomer Norris the Joybringer


fehlt 6 Tevin Big Black Boy of the unique shaded dreams

fehlt 7 X'Perience Montgommery

Club Jugendsieger J-CAC/VDH V1 8 Yorrick Braveheart Duke of Ram and Taurus

SG3 9 Sainsbury's All That Jazz

SG2 10 Amberose Kiss of Sun

fehlt 11 Downtown's Winston


V1 12 Just for Frenz Autumn Ardan CAC/VDH

fehlt 13 Let Me Entertain you of Caledonian Tannach


V1 14 Paws for Fun A Kind of Fun CAC/VDH fehlt

15 Henry von der Hummelwiese

Offene Klasse

V2 16 Stroke of Luck Invisible Touch Iago CAC/Res.VDH

V 17 Gentle Souls Bodyguard I always Love you

V4 18 Raven

V3 19 Downtown's Vico

SG 20 Noble like Wilhelm von der Hummelwiese CAC/VDH, Clubsieger, BOS

V1 21 A heart full of soul's Nogger Choc



2. Platz. 22 Stroke Luck Emely Brown VET.CAC/Res.VDH

3. Platz 23 A heart full of soul's Lolly Pop VET.VDH/CAC, Bester Veteran, Veteranen Clubsieger BIS

1. Platz 24 Nobility Dream Miss Beamy


VV1 25 A heart full of soul's Rose


VV1 26 Best Puppy Firstprizebears Millwaukee

fehlt 27 Paws For Fun Cindy Lou


fehlt 28 Prunellas Black Frieda

V 29 Winsdale Design of Blue

V3 30 Ylani Sunshine Duchess of Ram and Taurus Club Jugendsieger / Bester Junghund

V1 31 Stroke of Luck Kind of Kalypso J-CAC/VDH

V2 32 Jolly Joker's One Kiss for Katie J-CAC/Res. VDH

V4 33 Sijou-Ahea of the unique shaded dreams

V 34 X'Perience Luminosa

V 35 Tolkien's Dream Kirinki

V 36 Gentle Souls Designed for me sweet Hermine


V1 37 Tolkien's Dream Kalome CAC/VDH

V 38 Gentle Souls Disney's Dreamworld

V2 39 Karewa-Zotti's Key to my Soul CAC/Res.VDH

V3 40 Just for Frenz Autumn Aislin

V4 41 X'Perience Kinshaya


V4 42 A heart full of soul's Quindra

V 43 Classic Style Irma-Lotta the Black Lady

V2 44 Stroke of Luck Hot 'N'Spicy Hatari CAC/Res.VDH

V3 45 A heart full of soul's Nike

V1 46 Nobility Natural Beauty CAC/VDH

Offene Klasse

V4 47 Orora old line of the unique shaded dreams

V 48 Downtown's Victoria

V3 49 Spirit of Caledonia Very British

V2 50 Gentle Souls Annie-Rose a Dream in Black CAC/Res. VDH CAC/VDH Clubsieger

V1 51 Jolly Joker's Kandy Snow Flake

Richterin: Frau Ursula Langer



1 1. Platz V-CAC/VDH Absolument des Emeraudes du Lac Bester Veteran


2 VV1 Heartbreaker's Hansi of Sigelo


3 V1 J-CAC/VDH /BOS Amberose Kiss of Sun


4 V1 CAC/VDH Paws for Fun A Kind of Fun

Offene Klasse

5 V2 Res.CAC/VDH Freddy Heartbreaker of Sigelo

6 SG 3 Finnley Just like the Wind

7 V1 CAC/VDH Moonfellow Summerwind Catcher



8 VV3 Heartbreakers Healy of Sigelo

9 VV2 Firstprizebears Millwaukee

10 VV1 Paws For Fun Cindy Lou


11 V1 J-CAC/VDH Jolly Joker's One Kiss for Katie


12 V2 Res.CAC/VDH Karewa-Zotti's Key to my Soul

13 V1 CAC/VDH Nobility Vanilla Smilla


14 V1 CAC/VDH Paws for Fun Alice in Wonderland

Offene Klasse

15 V3 Jolly Joker's No One Like Mercy

16 V2 Res.CAC/VDH Fee Finely Princess of Sigelo

17 V1 CAC/VDH Kiltondale Time of Roses BOB/Best in Show

Richter: Dr. W. Peper D



fehlt Firstprizebears Lucky Luke

VV1 Cedric von der Hummelwiese


V1 CAC-J BOB Amberose Kiss of Sun

V2 Res-CAC-J Downtown's Winston

SG3 Hooligan des Bergers des 1001 Nuits

SG4 Gentle Guards Be Mr Button G Rob Roy of the unique Shaded Dreams


V1 CAC Just for Frenz Autumn Ardan fehlt Fristprizebears King Cole

Offene Klasse

V1 CAC Barkscale Amazing Mr Charlie Brown

V2 o.A. A Heart full of Soul's Nogger Choc

SG3 Stroke of Luck Ivisible Touch Iago



V1 CAC-J Tolkien's Dream Kalone

V2 Res.CAC-J X'Perience Luminosa

V3 Jolly Joker's One Kiss For Katie

SG4 Full of the Dickens Jewel

SG Karewa-Zotti's Key to my Soul G Sijou-Ahea of the unique Shaded Dreams zurückgez. Nice looking (Nicki) - ohne Zwingernamen Züchter R. Maaßen


V1 CAC A Heart full of Soul's Quindra

V2 Res-CAC X' Perience Kinshaya

V3 Nobility Vanilla Smilla

V4 Just for Frenz Autumn Aislin

SG Jolly Loker's No One like Mercy

SG Just for Frenz Autumn Amber

SG Rijou-Ahea Juna of the unique Shaded Dreams


V1 CAC BOS Stroke of Luck Hot 'N' Spicy Hatari

V2 Res-CAC A Heart full of Soul's Nike

Offene Klasse

V1 CAC Barscale All Eyes on Alexis

V2 o.A. Kleo of Sunnyboys Fun

Richter: Heiko Wagner,



fehlt X´Perience Montgommery


vv1 Jolly Joker´s Okey Dokey Black Man


V1 Nobility Vote for Harrybo CAC/VDH Jgd

V2 Downtown´s Winston CAC/VDH Jgd Res.

V3 Rain Cats and Dogs of Benjy Bunch

V4 My light hearted friend Dinky Dickson fehlt Let Me Entertain you of Caledonian Tannach


V1 Quickwater I am Legend CAC/VDH


V1 Paws for Fun A Kind of Fun CAC/VDH BOB

Offene Klasse

V1 Quote Playboy of the Benjy Bunch CAC/VDH

Sg 2 Classic Style Idefix the Black Laird



vv1 Kindle Passion Xiomara


vv1 Jolly Joker´s Over the Blue Moon


V1 Nobility Vanilla Smilla CAC/VDH Jgd Bester Junghund

V2 A heart full of soul´s Quindra CAC/VDH Jgd Res.

V3 Sweet Happiness of the Benjy Bunch

V4 Downtown´s Whitney


V1 Xara Victoria Beckett Duchess of Ram and Taurus CAC/VDH

V2 Beardie Connections Kyra CAC/VDH Res. fehlt Nobility Upsadaisy My Dear


V1 Classic Style Irma-Lotta the Black Lady CAC/VDH BOS

Offene Klasse

V1 Stroke of Luck Hot N´Spicy Hatari CAC/VDH

V2 Downtown´s Victoria CAC/VDH Res.

V3 Firstprizebears Jean Baez

Richter: Klaus Frankenberger, D



vv1 X'perience Montgommery 

vv2 Yorrick Braveheart Duke of Ram and Taurus


vv1 Jolly Joker`s Oh La La Black


V1 Nobility Vote for Harrybo CAC/VDH Jgd Bester Junghund BOS

V2 Downtowns Winston CAC/VDH Jgd Res.

V3 Let me entertain you of Caledonian Tannach

SG 4 My light-hearted friend Dinky Dickson


V1 Paws for Fun A kind of Fun CAC/VDH



vv1 Jolly Joker`s One Kiss for Katie vsp (2) Kesse Kiwi the Joybringer


V1 Nobility Vanilla Smilla CAC/VDH Jgd

V2 Downtowns Whitney CAC/VDH Jgd Res.

V3 A heart full of soul Quindra

SG 4 Argyel`s Glory Nice looking


V1 Xara Victoria Beckett of Ram and Taurus CAC/VDH

V2 Nobility Upsadaisy My Dear CAC/VDH Res.


V1 Classic Style Irma-Lotta the Black Lady CAC/VDH

Offene Klasse

V1 Lose your mind of Caledonian Tannach CAC/VDH BOB

V2 Stroke of Luck Hot n`Spicy Hatari CAC/VDH Res.

V3 Downtown`s Victoria fehlt Lum-bi-ni Hopeful Ivette fehlt Firstprizebears Joan Baez