12. 05. 2012 VDH Europasieger Ausstellung Dortmund
Richterin: Mrs. Cathrin Parker
Jüngsten-KlasseRüde VV1 A Hearth of Soul`s Quentin |
Jugend-KlasseV1 J-CAC/VDH Desire on Fun Charlie Chaplin V2 J-CAC/VDH Corralhobo Diamond Blue V3 Clan of Stork`s Kaliber V4 Grand Finale Smartness V Syramition Dream Aragon |
ZwischenklasseV1 CAC/VDH Downtown`s Vico V2 CAC/VDH Phileas Fogg of the Loyal Lads and Ladies V3 Frontmann vom Feenwald V4 Barkscale Amazing Mr. Charlie Brown V RAVEN |
Champion-KlasseV1 CACIB/CAC/VDH Nobility Pearlys Pushkin V2 CAC/VDH Miners Lake My Way V3 Delightful Bears Fastwin V4 Cnut von der Brandenburger Beardie Bande V Diago Kiaora V Midlands Corner Encore V Braemoor`s Mastermind V Millwaukee`s Nelson Nocuma V Henry von der Hummelwiese |
Offene KlasseV1 R-CACIB/CAC/VDH Paws for Fun a Kind of Fun V2 CAC/VDH Clan of Stork`s Just Quibo V3 A Heart full of Soul`s Nobody`s perfect V4 Kosmos Black Angel`s of Dog4U V Naughty Handsome of the Benjy Bunch V Orlando of the Loyal Lads and Ladies V Diotima`s Last Laugh SG Ragtyme Bring on the Reign |
Veteranen-Klasse1. Platz BOB CAC/VDH Nobility Dreamy Miss Beamy 2. Tages-Veteranensieger 2. Platz CAC/VDH |
Jüngsten-KlasseVV1 Best Puppy A Heart Full of Soul`s Quindra |
Jugend-KlasseV1 J-CAC/VDH Ragtyme Crazy in Love V2 Res-J-CAC/VDH Desire on Fun Charlize Theron V3 Tolkien`s Dream J.R.r.Brandywine V4 Famarens New Gossip V Spirit of Caledonia what a Feeling V Clan of Stork`s Kookiedoh V Beardie Connections Kyra V Celtsdale in touch with the Stars |
ZwischenklasseV1 CAC/VDH Stroke of Luck Hot`n Spicy Hatari V2 CAC/VDH Firstprizebears Just Beat-It V3 Classic Style Irma-Lotta the Black Lady V4 Midlands-Corner Happy Dreams V Gina von der Brandenburger Beardie Bande |
Champion-KlasseV1 CACIB/CAC/VDH Juliets Josetta v.d.Wolewuif V2 R-CACIB,CAC/VDH Nobility Pearlys Phoebe V3 A Heart Full of Soul´s Mocca V4 Firtsprizebears Hollywood |
Offene KlasseV1 CAC/VDH Telling Tails Told You First V2 CAC/VDH A Heart Full of Soul´s Nike V3 Delightful Bears Infinity V4 Bushblades Ready to Rejoice V First Lady Smartness |